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PRs in Trunk Based Development

A discussion on the common misunderstandings of Trunk Based Development.

Trunk Based DevelopmentCode ReviewsDeveloper Experience

Marco Patiño


4 min read


June 28, 2024

I analyzed code review best practices for a year. This is what I learned.

Insights from analyzing and interviewing dozens of teams about code reviews.

Code ReviewsBest Practices

Marco Patiño


5 min read


May 6, 2024

The TRUCE framework for software quality.

A breakdown of how Developers and Managers define productivity for quality.

Software QualityProductivity

Marco Patiño


6 min read


December 17, 2023

2023 DORA Report, broken down.

Key findings from the 2023 DORA Report on user-centric teams.

Software DeliveryCode Reviews

Marco Patiño


6 min read


November 15, 2023

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